Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Civil War Essay - 1024 Words
The Universe of Battles Episode Five nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1863 a series of battles were fought between the Confederate army and the Union Army. Battles such as: Gettysburg, Viscksburg, Battery Wagner, Chickamauga Creek, and Chattanooga. Along with these battles the Gettysburg Address was presented, the role of women was noticed, and riots in New York broke out. Many say that these battles were the turning point of the U.S. Civil War. General Robert E. Lee, from the south and George G. Meade from the north lead their troops. On July 4th Robert E. Lee surrendered to the north, and the south was defeated. The Battle of Gettysburg is considered to be the turning point of the Civil War. Late in May the Confederate army marched†¦show more content†¦SO many men were being killed, and the rebels lines of men were being shot down. Men were killing and shooting each other at point blank ranges. Many of the Confederate men were captured and killed. The Confederates were defeated. General Lee took all the blame for the defeat, and said it was â€Å"all my fault†. The next day the Confederates marched back to the south. This was the turning point of the Civil War. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Late May is when the battle of Vicksburg was fought. This was a fight for the control of the Mississippi River. The union controlled all of the river except for just below Vicksburg. Ulysses S. Grant and his men were on land and Admeral Davids Porters shot at land from the river. Many civilians were scared, and dug caves to live in. Living in these caves made the people feel like they were â€Å"living like roots†. The civilians had low food, and this went on for forty-eight days. Adventually the confederates again surrendered and Grant was the hero of this battle. The Battle came to an end July 4, 1863, and the confederacy was now cut into two parts. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. This was the battle of Cickamauga Creek. This creek was called the river of death, both the Union and Confederacy was sick, cold and hungry.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This battle was a great defeat for the South. In August 1863, General William Rosecrans from theShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The Civil War921 Words  | 4 PagesThere are no doubts that acts of war can have a negative impact on the individuals involved. There are countless stories of the soldiers’ experiences in the war, and how it affected their lives, families, and attitudes. However, there is a large demographic that is hardly accounted for: children, specifically during the Civil War era. Understanding the children that lived in the time of the Civil War is important because it affected their future careers, shaped their attitudes towards race, and affectedRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War964 Words  | 4 Pageswasn’t one sole cause of the Civil War but there were many even ts that took the country to war and put brother against brother and states against states. Abraham Lincoln wanted to preserve the union and that could only be attained by civil war. Slavery which was an underlying cause for the war played its role in the division that divided the North against the South. Ultimately the preservation of the union, slavery and the consequences and conflicts leading to the Civil War all rested on President Lincoln’sRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1522 Words  | 7 PagesCosts The war produced about 1,030,000 casualties, including about 620,000 soldier deathsâ€â€two-thirds by disease, and 50,000 civilians. The war accounted for roughly as many American deaths as all American deaths in other U.S. wars combined. Based on 1860 census figures, 8% of all white males aged 13 to 43 died in the war, including 6% in the North and 18% in the South. Union army dead, amounting to 15% of the over two million who served, was broken down as follows: Notably, their mortality rateRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War777 Words  | 4 PagesThe widespread violence that turned into the Civil War began with the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 without a single vote from the states below the Ohio River. South Carolina was the first state to respond to Lincoln’s election. On December 20, 1680, South Carolina seceded from the Union. South Carolina was the first of the â€Å"Original Seven†who seceded from the Union, including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. This became known as â€Å"secessionRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1039 Words  | 5 PagesThe civil war is by far the bloodiest war in American history. In the four deadly years of war, over six-hundred thousand Americans were killed. Many disputes that led to the civil war. These conflicts started under Presiden t James Buchanan who was a Democrat elected in the election of 1856. The issue of slavery, states’ rights, the abolitionist movement, the Southern secession, the raid on Harper’s Ferry, the election of Abraham Lincoln all contributed to the start of the civil war. The civil warRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War Essay1444 Words  | 6 PagesThe story of this outlaw originated during the Civil War years, April 12,1861-May 9, 1865. The War were the rich sat and watched, while the poor died. A War that wanted to keep black people as slaves permanently by the South (Confederates). Newton Knight quickly grew unhappy with the situation that the people of Jones County, where he was originally from were in. He also did not approved of slavery at all. Newt was the Outlaw who freed Jones County s people, whites and blacks alike when they mostRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1284 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 30 January 2015 The Civil War There are many facts most people generally do not know about the Civil War, so much research is needed to improve one’s knowledge about the Civil War. Authors such as: Robert G. Lambert, Rustle B. Olwell, and Kay A. Chick were all helpful in this research. Many people think that everyone on the Union side of the war believed that blacks should be equal to whites. Most people also think that everyone on the Confederate side of the war believed in slavery. SomeRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1723 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War is by far the bloodiest war in American history. In the four deadly years of war, over six-hundred thousand Americans were killed. Many disputes that led to the civil war. These conflicts started even before the presidency of James Buchanan, who was a Democrat elected in the election of 1856. The issue of slavery, states’ rights, the abolitionist movement, the Southern secession, the raid on Harper’s Ferry, the election of Abraham Linc oln all contributed to the start of the Civil WarRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War Essay944 Words  | 4 Pages The War of Succession, universally known as the Civil War, was a war unlike any other. According to the Civil War Trust, â€Å" it was the most immensely colossal and most destructive conflict in the Western world between the cessation of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the onset of World War I in 1914.†It commenced when the Confederate army assailed Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. The Civil War was a rigorously catastrophic event for both the North and the South. About 360,000 of the Union’s men wereRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1704 Words  | 7 Pagesof thousands of Americans volunteered to fight in the Civil War, also known as the First Modern War. The main causes of this war were the economic and social differences between the North and the South. These differences led to other fundamental issues such as slavery and its abolition. In addition to that as the war was coming to its end, federal authorities found themselves presiding over the transition from sla very to freedom.After the war, there was a 12-year period best known as the Reconstruction
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Robert Frost Essay - 873 Words
â€Å"Good fences makes good neighbors,†is a small portion from the Mending Wall written by one of modern times most proficient writers, Robert Frost. Two of the critical articles I examined were quite helpful in gaining a better understanding of the â€Å"Mending Wall†and also of Robert Frost’s poetry. The Gale Research shows the best and most effective understanding of the â€Å"Mending Wall,†mainly because it deals specifically with that poem. It basically states that the poem is built around two attitudes, that of the speaker, which the Gale critic presumes is the poet, who is imaginative and an independent thinker and that of the neighbor, who prefers not to question anything (Gale). The other article deals more with other poetry that Robert†¦show more content†¦The Gale Research article continues by saying the wall bothers the poet, believing it to be unnecessary. The article goes on by elaborating the poet’s feelings saying the wa ll divides the speakers apple trees from the neighbors pine trees. The conclusion I receive when I read this portion of the article is the poet feels that the wall is binding the relationship between the two men and without it would increase their friendship, while the neighbor likes to keep his thoughts t himself allowing privacy to exist. My own belief sway more towards that of the neighbor, privacy allows for good neighbors, hence the statement â€Å"Good fences make good neighbors,†which is expressed in the poem. In the book â€Å"Critical Reception,†the author, Linda W. Wagner, writes several articles of her opinion on some of Robert Frost’s work. I found â€Å"Critical Reception†very helpful in understanding â€Å"Mending Wall†because it gave me an insight on Frost’s style and similar themes in his poetry. I concluded that Robert Frost, in some of his works including â€Å"Mending Wall,†was a poet fascinated by the mind and by very earthly objects; dealing with how people felt about life in conjunction with the environment. For example, in the poem â€Å"Sand Dunes,†Frost describes the sea and a woman, who in actuality is the sand dune. He transforms the sand dune into a person by referring to the dune as a she (Wagner 72). Some of Frost’s works share this theme of making nature into a person, whichShow MoreRelatedFrost, By Robert Frost1976 Words  | 8 PagesRobert Frost, an indigenous New England poet, is deserving of an ovation for his contributions and magnitude in American Literature. Frost advises his readers to be actively engaged in questioning the world we inhabit (49, Dickstein). In most of Frost’s work, readers and critics enjoy his choices of theme, likely being the outdoors and his surroundings. By using â€Å"emotions recollected in tranquility†and his organic and inviolable relationship with his countryside, he celebrates New England’s naturalRead MoreRobert Frost1276 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Frost has been described as an ordinary man with a deep respect for nature, talking to ordinary people. To what extent do you agree with this view? Poetry is a literary medium which often resonates with the responder on a personal level, through the subject matter of the poem, and the techniques used to portray this. Robert Frost utilises many techniques to convey his respect for nature, which consequently makes much of his poetry relevant to the everyday person. The poems â€Å"Stopping by WoodsRead MoreRobert Frost1943 Words  | 8 PagesA Snowy Evening with Robert Frost Robert Frost once said, â€Å"It begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a loneliness. It is never a thought to begin with. It is at best when it is a tantalizing vagueness.†(â€Å"Poetry Foundation†n.d.). This poem holds a lot of mystery in its meaning which has a variety of interpretations. John T. Ogilvie who wrote, â€Å"From Woods to Stars: A pattern of Imagery in Robert Frost’s Poetry†interprets this as a poem about the journey through lifeRead MoreFrost, By Robert Lee Frost1565 Words  | 7 PagesAs Robert Lee Frost, an honored American poet once said, â€Å"A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.†Frost earned respect through his expertise in colloquial language, and his descriptive interpretations of rural life. Frost often analyzed social and philosophical leitmotifs using settings from early twenty-first century New England. Frost was honored in his life time with four Pulitzers. Furthermore, focusing mostly on analyzing Frost’s most popularRead MoreThe Poetry Of Robert Frost3137 Words  | 13 Pagesexamine the poetry of Robert Frost for references to themes of nature, religion, and humanity and how they relate to each other. This exercise will be prefaced with a brief introduction to the man and his life as a segue to better understanding Frost’s verse. The unexpected but unavoidable aim of this composition will be to realize that Frost’s body of work is almost too sophisticated to comprehend, his manipulation of language so elusive that each reader may believe Frost is speaking only to themRead MoreEssay on Robert Frost1248 Words  | 5 Pages Robert Frost      Robert Frost, an Americian poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. This paper will discuss the thought process of Frost during his writings, the many tools which he used, and provide two examples of his works.      Robert Frost was born in San Franciso on March 26, 1874, but later moved to Lawrence, Massachuschusetts (after his father died) where he did most of his writing. He was a simple man who taught, worked in a mill, was a reporter, wasRead More Robert Frost Essay559 Words  | 3 Pages Robert Frost nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Robert Lee Frost, was one of America’s leading 20th Century poets, and a four time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Frost did not receive these recognitions until his later years when his poetic brilliance was finally recognized. â€Å"Frost was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter†( Waggoner 1). Frost’s brilliance was contributed by many things; including his life, career, and literary works. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Robert Frost was born on MarchRead MoreRobert Frost Essay1314 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Frost was a very successful author who wrote many award winning poems. Frost’s career in poetry took some time, but he eventually reached his goal of becoming a popular poet. Frost has had a very successful life as an author, but that wasn’t until he was noticed. Frost has won four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry and various other awards. Robert Frost was world renowned and even attended John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. Frost wasn’t noticed until he was nearly 40 years old, but he kept working towardsRead MoreRobert Frost Essay1396 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Frost Robert Frost is one of the few twentieth century poets to receive critical acclaim and popular acceptance (Magill 728). His simplistic style appeals to the novice and expert poetry reader alike. Robert Frosts understated emotional appeal attracts readers of all literary levels. Frost develops subtly stated emotions and a clever use of imagery in his poetry. Influences on his poetry include his family, work, and other life experiences (Oxford 267). Frost also works to developRead MoreEssay on Robert Frost1443 Words  | 6 Pages Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874 and died in Boston on January 29, 1963. Frost was considered to be one of America’s leading 20th century poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He was an essentially pastoral poet who was often associated with rural New England. Frost wrote poems of a philosophical region. His poems were traditional but he often said as a dig at his archrival Carl Sandburg, that â€Å"he would soon play tennis without a net as write free verse
Indigenous Health for Health Sciences for Health- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theIndigenous Health for Health Sciences for Health Issues. Answer: Introduction In the present scenario, one of the most important aspects that must be observed in each and every scenario is cultural safety. The very name cultural safety brings this idea, that it is basically referring to the attempts or the efforts made in order to protect the cultural and the social differences that exists in the background of each and every individual (Brascoup and Catherine 2009). This cultural difference has to be maintained in each and every work scenario like that of health and education services. The main aim of the paper will be to see why cultural safety is very much needed within the context of the Australian healthcare centers. This is because of the fact that there is large scale discrimination and injustice done towards the Aboriginals or the Torres Islanders (Brascoup and Catherine 2009). Hence, they often have to suffer through a large scale of displeasing attitudes from many of the health professionals. This indeed is a major disgrace on part of the Australian h ealth service institutes. Hence, efforts are to be made so that there can be the creation of a totally new, different and refreshed environment where the Aboriginals well be treated with not only proper care in a respectful manner as well (Brascoup and Catherine 2009). Among the many different health professions one of the important one is that of a Medical and Health Service Manager. He is someone who is responsible for planning and maintaining a specific area or department (Rix et al 2015). In other words, they can exercise the overall control over the proper implementation of health care laws, proper treatment of patients, avoiding of the unjust discrimination between the patients based on their origin and cultural history (Frey et al 2014). Principles of cultural safety Health practitioners reflect on their own practice Talk to, ask and engage with the clients or the patients seek to minimize the power differentials undertake a process of decolonization Ensure that we do not diminish, demean or disempower others through our actions Health professionals reflect their own experiences Self reflection Self-reflection is the way in which all the medical professionals can narrate their own experiences that they have gained during the entire course of their work. The process of self-reflection also talks about the critical way of thinking (Freeman et al 2014) The health professionals often try to think and talk about all their experiences in a more justified and logical manner. As this is a real problem of the Australian health care services that the Aboriginals are treated with great disrespect, health professionals must speak about their own experiences in a way that is outside the age-old code of conduct made by the society (Yeung 2016). There are many important aspects that the doctors need to follow while describing their self experiences and their self reflections. Self reflection is very important part of professional development (Came et al 2017). . The first and the foremost step that is taken by the health professionals is identification of the problems that are prevalent at work. The next step that follows is the formulation of the different strategies that are to be used for solving the problem. There must also be an ongoing inquiry on the progress of the rectification measure of the problem. (Came et al 2017) Critical reflection Being a medical and health service manager, I have been able to witness these scenarios in a very close way. Aboriginals are the people who usually reside in the remote and rural sections of Australia and are often ill-treated due to many reasons (Yeung 2016). I have often seen that the professional of my own department is very much reluctant in extending their services to the Aboriginals. This is really a great disgrace on part of a health service department because their main duty is to extend their helping hands to the ones in need and here, they are discriminating between patients based in their culture, race and language. Talk to, ask and engage with the clients or the patients Self reflection The main purpose of any and every health care department must be to try their level best in curing their patients. They must try their patients with extra care and attention. It is the prime duty of each and every member associated with health department to know and realize the fact that their patients are the ones who are in need and have approached them with a great hope. Hence, it is their duty to treat their patients as their fellow human beings first and then as patients. In other words, they must not only be given medical aid but also proper emotional and moral support. The health professionals must keep it in their mind that different paients can come from different cultural backgrounds. Owing to the cultural differences they must be having many different faiths, beliefs and customs. As a result of which, it is important for all the health professionals to be very alert while speaking with all their patients. None of the words or the actions of the health professionals must go beyond the emotions and feelings of their patients. (Ridenet al 2014). Critical thinking A medical and health service officer, I always ask my subordinates to behave very politely with all their patients. In order to appear polite with their aboriginal patients, the doctors need to know the background history of such patients. This will enable the doctor to know the different harshness through which these patients had to suffer. If the Doctors come to know that these aboriginal patients are subjected to a lot of racial tortures and discriminations then this will definitely make the Doctors deal with these patients in a totally different manner. The doctors must initially use their interpersonal skills in order to make those patients comfortable. The doctors must however remember that they must not treat these patients as a special or a reserved group; he must treat those patients normally but with more care and attention. This will be n effort to make those patients know that they are not isolated or abandoned. Rather they are free people just like everyone else; they wi ll get equal rights and opportunities to use all health and medical facilities. We must keep in mind that the Aboriginals are people who have suffered a lot already. They often face difficulty not only because they are poor and live in distant remote regions but also because they face many language barriers and financial barriers as well. So, I make sure that my team knows how to engage the Aboriginal patients in conversations. The doctors and other health care professional must appear very polite to them and try to know about the problems that they face. There must be efforts to make towards community engagement and involvement. This can be very much helpful for the Aboriginals to communicate about their health problems and get the necessary treatment for their cure. This is one of the most important aspect of a medical and health service manager to see that he has sufficient competency in his interpersonal skills. It is he who has to manager an entire team of other health service professionals. So, it is of utmost importance for him to ensure that all his subordinates are successful in making the patients feel at ease and comfortable. The efforts must be made to remove all hesitations between the patients and their doctors. These will be done only through smooth conversation and interpersonal interactions between the two. Seek to minimize the power differentials Self reflection It is very important to establish and distinguish these power differentials between a therapist and his clients. These power differentials are very much important in developing an area of comfort and faith between the two, on one hand. On the other hand, it also enables the therapist to treat his patient in a positive way. The doctors must make sure that there is never any power struggle or conflict of position and power going on between a doctor and his patients. It is the duty of the Doctors to remember that his patients are the ones who have approached him in order to cure themselves. Hence, it is the duty of the Doctor to try his level best in helping out his patients by using anything and everything that is permitted by his knowledge. If the therapist or the doctor behaves in a rude way with his patients, this will have a negative impact on the doctor patient relationship. The patients might think that they are inferior to the Doctors. The doctors must know how to respect the ch oices and the decisions poof their patients rather than bossing over them or imposing unnecessary restrictions on them (Durey 2010). Critical thinking Being a medical and health service manager, I have to work a lot on this particular area. This is because the Aboriginals or the Torres islanders are people who are already very much dominated and marginalized. Hence, while interacting with them, I always make sure that there is a comfort zone created between me and my patients so that they no longer feel hesitant. I encourage them to speak with me freely and narrate all their problems. I always try to break their misconception that I and other doctors have a kind of authority or ownership over them. I always try to make them feel at ease. I also instruct the same to all my subordinates that they must treat their patients with empathy. Medicinal help is always not sufficient for all the patients. What they need is proper emotional and moral support. I try my level best to see that there is an area of comfort and understanding between me and my patients. There must not be any hesitation otr fear working within the patients. I make sure that my patients are never under this feeling that they are under my ownership. They must never feel inferior in front of their doctors. We are there to help them and support them emotionally. I always try to encourage them in every possible way. Undertake a process of decolonization Self reflection Colonization must be diminished. In other words, the practice of segregating people into small, isolated colonies must be given up. Critical thinking As a medical and service manager, I must manage the affairs of an entire team of health professionals. I always instruct them to appear very freely with the Aboriginals and to give them the feeling, that is one among us. They must be brought to the center from the margins. As doctors, it must be our duty to empower our patients as well. It must be the duty of the Doctors and all the other health care professionals to see that there is no social disparity between their patients. The aim of the doctors must be to generate social justice and equality. This can be done by following a process of Decolonization. The aboriginals were so longer colonized and were treated as a restricted, backward class. They were also denied the basic rights to heal and medical facilities (Walker et al 2014). Hence, it must be the duty of the Doctors to decolonize these small communities. Doctors must treat the indigenous patients just as they treat the non indigenous patients. However special care and empat hy is needed for these patients but at the same time they are to be given proper recognition. Doctors must always give equal rights and opportunities to both the indigenous and the non indigenous patients. Ensure that we do not diminish, demean or disempower others through our actions Self reflection It must be ensured by the health care institutes that none of their actions must hurt the emotions of the Aboriginals. It must be their duty to support the Aboriginals not only by giving them the proper treatment but also by entering them the moral and emotional support (Walker et al 2014). As a Doctor, it must be his responsibility to see that none of his actions or words ever hurt the emotion of any of his patients. They must ensure that none of their activities hurt or demean any of their patients in the course of the treatment (Paul et al 2015). It is for this reason that the doctors must have a clear knowledge about the social cultural history of their patients. So, that none of the words or actions of the Doctors hurt the emotions of their clients. They must never discriminate between their patients based on their social position or cultural aspects. They must treat everyone equally and with proper justice. Critical thinking I make sure that none of my or my teams activity ever hurts the sentiments of the Aboriginals. None of our words must hurt their emotions. We must remember that our duty is to bring them out of the injustice and discomfort that they have been suffering over the ages rather than pushing them more towards it. I make sure that I have a sufficient knowledge about the cultural background of all my patients, particularly the aboriginals. This will enable me to carry on all my further actions very attentively do that none of them evrr hurt the emotions of my patients (Paul et al 2015). At the same time I also suggest the same thing to all my subordinates so that before starting their treatment they must also have a good and thorough knowledge about the socio cultural backgrounds of the patients. (Walker et al 2014). Conclusion Thereby, it can be concluded that the discrimination between the Indigenous and the non-Indigenous people are increasing day by day. A large amount of this is happening due to the institutionalized and systemic racism, which the society and the doctors particularly, are becoming a victim of. Hence, efforts must be made by the Government to enforce laws in support of the Aboriginals. This can be done by bringing in the Aboriginals into the main stream social activities. They must be given proper lodging, educational and also proper health and medical facilities. They are to be brought into the centers of the society from the margins. So, it is the duty of the Doctors and all the health care professionals to have a clear knowledge about the cultural and the social backgrounds of the patients. This will enable the Doctors to carry on their treatment in such a way that none of their actions or words would ever hurt the emotions or the cultural beliefs of the indigenous patients. Doctors must make sure that they keep in mind all the principles of cultural safety like keeping a record of their self experiences, to see and analyze the problems existing at the work place, talk with their patients with their interpersonal skills to make them feel comfortable and give up all hesitations. Doctors must abolish all power struggles existing between them and their patients. They must also empower the indigenous patients by decolonizing them and make sure that none of their words and actions are disempowering them. References Brascoup, S. and Catherine Waters BA, M.A., 2009. Cultural safety: Exploring the applicability of the concept of cultural safety to Aboriginal health and community wellness.International Journal of Indigenous Health,5(2), p.6. 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Cultural competenceTransforming policy, services, programs and practice.Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, pp.195-220. Yeung, S., 2016. Conceptualizing cultural safety: Definitions and applications of safety in health care for Indigenous mothers in Canada.Journal for Social Thought,1(1), pp.1-13.
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