Friday, November 29, 2019
Native by One Republic free essay sample
â€Å"This is life in color.†Ryan Tedder and members of his band, One Republic, at one time liked to consider themselves genreless, balancing both alternative and pop influences in their music. If this was the case in previous albums, Native takes the band in a completely different direction. In this album, One Republic goes for the home run and brings in a full blast of pop brilliance. Most bands adjusting to suit the needs of the mainstream pop radio find themselves in an utter disaster. One Republic however, which already had a foot in the water, finds itself in the ideal situation to succeed. Chart topping singles launch the album with a bang. â€Å"Counting Stars, composed by a series of well developed beats and choruses, positions itself as the album’s superior track. It is followed by tracks â€Å"If I Lose Myself†and â€Å"Feel Again†, both escalated in prominence by Tedder’s rich vocals. We will write a custom essay sample on Native by One Republic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For the most part, the first half of the album releases a feel good, early morning vibe. As Native continues, the songs begin to break off and develop their own individual personalities. â€Å"Light it Up†and â€Å"Can’t Stop†act as One Republic’s experimental tracks. Their echoic, swirling melodies add a new flavor to the album. They give way to an especially powerful moment in the album in the form of the track â€Å"Burning Bridges†. Tedder’s vocals give the song depth, causing the listener to not help but feel deeply emotional throughout. The album is continued by a few lighter songs, until it finally reaches the most perhaps its most unappreciated song: â€Å"Life In Color†. Hidden as a bonus track, it emulates earlier hits in nearly every category. Its lowly position on the disk is the band’s only blunder. One Republic’s Native proves to be their finest work to date. Compared to earlier albums, Native is easily the best-rounded. It excels in every way imaginable, including production, vocals, instrumentals, and lyrics. For critics that thought One Republic was geared more toward singles than overall substance, this album certainly puts their beliefs to rest. 5/5 Native by One Republic free essay sample One Republic is one of my favorite band. Few years ago I went to their concert in Prague and I loved it! When they were playing Apologize the whole club was singing with them. So I was really excited about the new album. And I finally got it! And it is exactly how I imagined, maybe even better. One Republic showed their best. The album is full of energy. Some of the songs are slowly some of them are faster. But together it sounds really nice. They are usually singing about love and life and this album is not different. The one that made me almost cried when I heart it for the first time is Counting Stars. Not slow, not fast. Something in the middle and thats just perfect. Feel again this was the first song from the album that was played at the radios. And you could just feet again that this album would be good. We will write a custom essay sample on Native by One Republic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Preacher slowly, emotional. Singing about how it was when he was a kid and about his dad. Very lovely, it makes me cry too When you compare this album with One Republics older work you would see that there are not much difference. It is still lovely, full of emotion. I like this album. One thing that I would say, that One Republic could have more faster songs.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Recommended Business Writing Style Guides
Recommended Business Writing Style Guides MOST RECOMMENDED The Gregg Reference Manual:A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting, 11th EditionWilliam A. Sabin, McGraw-Hill, 2011 The Gregg Reference Manual is intended for anyone who writes, edits, or prepares material for distribution or publication. For over fifty years this manual has been recognized as the best style manual for business professionals who want to master the on-the-job standards of business professionals. FOR NEWSLETTERS AND BLOGS The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media LawEdited by Darrell Christian, Sally Jacobsen, and David Minthorn, Associated Press, 2010 The Associated Press Stylebook, first published in 1977, clarified the news organization's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. Now in its sixth edition, the Stylebook is the standard style guide for most U.S. newspapers, magazines, public relations, and consulting firms. FOR PROOFREADERS The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th EditionThe University of Chicago Press, 2010â€Å"Chicago†is the bible of book publishers. We refer to â€Å"Chicago,†but it is a specialist’s volume. Unless you’re a professional editor or proofreader, this style guide is not needed by most business writers. FOR EVOLVING LANGUAGE Garner's Modern American Usage, 3rd EditionBryan A. Garner, Oxford University Press, 2009I like this resource because it includes a "Language-Change Index," which indicates how well accepted a term is, ranging from Stage 1, widely considered incorrect, to Stage 5, universally accepted as correct. Because business writing language is ever-evolving, this is a helpful guidebook to determine if a usage is now acceptable. FOR UK AND US ENGLISH STYLE DIFFERENCES The Economist Style Guide, 2011 Edition This guide contains a very helpful section on American and British English. American and British business writing is essentially identical. There are spelling and minor punctuation differences, that this text illustrates perfectly. By the way, you should construct documents in your style. If you are British and writing to an American, for example, use British English, rather than American English. Do not use idiomatic expressions or vague phrasings, of course. There is never any significant misunderstanding between UK and US English, as long as one avoids idiom and writes clearly. Trying to adopt a style and voice that is not your own rings false. INTERNAL STYLE GUIDE Do you wish to compile style guidelines, unique to your organization? For example, you may have specific terms you want used with consistency in all documents. Many organization compile an internal style guide, and share it with all employees. Many thanks to the ASTD LinkedIn group for sharing a generic internal style guide, which you can use as a model. (Yet, another reason you should join LinkedIn if you have not yet done so!) Download a copy of this Business Writing Style Guide Internal Template.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Media Addiction Amongst University Students Research Paper
Social Media Addiction Amongst University Students - Research Paper Example Hence, the research question for this study is, â€Å"Which gender and age group is more addicted to social media and why?†Review of Literature Dryer (2010) reported that by March of 2010, there were 200 million blogs worldwide, 450 million Facebook accounts, 27 million tweets every 24 hours from Twitter and 1.2 billion views on You Tube every day. As of 2012, it was reported that almost 75% of teens and young adults are members of at least one social networking site (Thompson & Lougheed, 2012), and with Facebook users, 250 million log into the site daily (Facebook, 2011). Such astounding statistics show explosive social media has grown over a short period of time and is expected to relentlessly grow more in the future. Dryer (2010) notes: Social media, i.e., blogs, wikis, social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, multimedia sharing sites like YouTube and Flickr, and social tagging sites like Digg and Yelp, represents a revolutionary shift in the way we communicate. Social media has democratized information and empowered ordinary citizens with the ability to organize, share information, and be heard like never before in our history. Social media is word of mouth on steroids and is beginning to morph from a fun and easy way to stay socially connected with friends into a dynamic and interactive way of doing business (p. 16). Berinstein (2011) contends that the obsession with social media is linked to people’s desperate need to feel good. She concludes that â€Å"social media has offered us a new way to anesthetize a deep-rooted feeling of lack: the more likes we get, the better we feel†(Bernstein, 2011, para. 1). What is addictive is actually the... This essay stresses that going back to the research question, â€Å"Which gender and age group is more addicted to social media and why?†, this research echoes results of past studies that women and younger university students in the age group of 17-21 years are more prone to social media addiction due to the more prolonged time they spend online. Young ladies derive much satisfaction and a boost in their self-esteem when friends like or comment on their posts, especially their photos. They also invest more emotions on their responses to friends’ posts, and are more emotionally distraught when they get disconnected from social media. The roller coaster of emotions they get from such social media sites make it more addictive to them as they continuously search for â€Å"highs†beyond the â€Å"lows†in emotions. In terms of age, younger people have a stronger need to establish human connections with their peers, so they use social media as an avenue to esta blish and nurture these relationships. This paper makes a conclusion that addiction to social media is more common than people think, and surprisingly, more acceptable by society. Living in the age of information and technology is bound to develop such addiction since being socially and intellectually stimulated is a natural preference of people. What needs to be developed to a greater degree is the awareness and self-control necessary in balancing time and effort to enjoy social media as well as live more fulfilled lives in the â€Å"real world†with one’s family and friends.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Healthy People 2020 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Healthy People 2020 - Assignment Example Unlike many other neighboring residential areas, Sunnyside still boasts of mom and pop businesses. The boundaries of Sunnyside roughly correspond to those of 11104 Zip Code. It is an area of nearly one half square mile. By 2014, Sunnyside had a total population of about 29,000 people (NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2015a). Majority of the Sunnyside dwellers are first time mums and small families. This is basically because most of the houses in the area were initially built to accommodate small families. The initial houses were one to two bedroom units. It is however, worth pointing out that in some areas, developers have demolished the old houses and put up residential house that can accommodate large families. The residential buildings and units have gardens that are used for family gatherings, social events and as play areas for the young ones. Sunnyside neighborhood is best known for the Sunnyside Gardens Historic District. This is one of the first planned communities in the entire United States of America. It was built between 1924 and 1929 (Haller, 2015). The Sunnyside Gardens Historic District appears more like an old English town with gabled brick town houses. The area also boasts of verdant court yards as well as several pathways that weave between the buildings and residential house. The houses that were built during the 1924 planning period have been maintained with renovations being done on regular basis to ensure that they are in good condition for use by the Sunnyside dwellers. According to Haller (2015), the bike lanes and the Sunnyside gardens in the area has made it very attractive to small families and parents who are having their first children. The bike lanes are well kept and maintained. The lighting system in the various lanes and pathways has been perfectly done making it appear as a modern residential area yet it way planned
Monday, November 18, 2019
Governance for security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Governance for security - Essay Example Yet, the State inherently cannot exist outside of a belief system in the mind – it is a psychological or ideological concept. Thus, Weber provides the justification for behavior going beyond common morality and the State itself is the reason that justifies the transgression. Historically, Weber’s theory is positioned at a time when the modern State was first mobilizing its police force on military organization patterns in the defense of domestic security. Private armies related to landlords and capitalist groups were also common internationally previous to this. Understanding the difference between these three types of armies is important, for the distinctions still drive the system of conflict, civil war, and failed States worldwide today. The State security forces can be categorized as domestic and related to police forces or international and related to military forces. In addition to this, there can be seen private armies and â€Å"warlords†that operate on a local basis within the State on behalf of either minority ownership interests in capitalism or on an ideological basis. Also existing outside of the State monopoly are local insurrectionist groups and Marxist forces that seek to seize power or resources through violent means. The majority of conflicts in the 20th Century can be related to these three types of organized political violence. The State seeks to provide security to all equally, the private armies of capitalism seek to preserve minority concentrations of wealth, and popular liberation armies organize against capitalist interests. The Marxist-Capitalist duality in violence is shaken in some ways by violent ideologies like Islamic groups who organize around different fundamental philosophies. Similarly, there is a division of violence that is represented by crime that is different than these forms of political violence. Private security forces may inherently target crime as a motive for operation rather than to combat the threat of political violence. Part of the Marxist critique is based upon the collusion of State power with capitalist interests that produce a non-egalitarian social policy or inherently impoverish vast segments of the population so that wealth can be concentrated in luxury, status, power, etc. With the disappearance of an â€Å"armed†Marxism with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of China into a capitalist economy, the status quo is increasingly shattered by terrorism as it represents the â€Å"third force†of Islamic fundamentalism. This terrorism acts on a different ideology than Marxist insurrectionist violence, though both challenge the hegemony of capitalism as it aligns with the State in military power and international law. Private security by nature is an attempt to protect and perpetuate vast differences in wealth, status, and power, for by definition the masses cannot afford it. The modern democratic State is seen as being tasked with the protection of domestic freedom, yet in doing so often contradicts its vey purpose in violating individual civil rights and liberties. In this manner, post-Marxism the target of the State security apparatus is crime and terrorism primarily rather than the spread of State socialism or
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Language, Paralanguage and Non-Verbal Communication
Language, Paralanguage and Non-Verbal Communication The Importance of Language, Paralanguage and Non-Verbal Communication in Various forms of Communication – A Practical Study Toby Williamson Access to Psychology Abstract This study examines the role of non-verbal communication, language and paralanguage in conveying information. To this end, the study examines how people use these three forms of communication in the context of sharing ideas, expressing joy and happiness as well as persuasion. The study involves a field work that studied dialogues between 10 pairs of persons. The findings identify that people generally utilize a combination of the three forms of communication, namely non-verbal communication, language and paralanguage in conversations where they need to express their emotions. This includes sharing joy as well as persuasion. However, in cases where persons must express facts and ideas in a factual form, communication can be done through the use of language only and in this case, non-verbal communication and paralanguage might not be very essential in conveying meaning and ideas. Introduction Non-verbal communication (NVC) involves direct communication not exclusively relying on written or spoken words (Berry, 2010; Rimondini, 2012). Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) is a situation where the expression of the inner emotions of people are presented through the use of bodily descriptions and trends that shows the way people feel at a give point in time (Littlejohn Foss, 2010; Wood, 2009). Paralanguage on the other hand involves non-verbal voice qualities, voice modifiers and independent utterances that are produced by various parts of the body to convey various understandable messages (Poyatos, 2012; Wilson, 2011). Therefore, paralanguage involves the modification of voices as a means of presenting various forms of messages to other people. Language is the use of words in a given dialect to transmit information and present data and information to different people in order to convey meaning(Phifer, 2007). Language refers to conventional dialog and speech that is carried out to present information from one person to another in mutually intelligible dialect(Perkins, 2010). These three different approaches to communication are used by communicators to complement each other in order to provide meaningful communication(Zimmerman Uecke, 2012). This is because communication involves the presentation of various ideas and concepts in order to convey meaning. Hence, there is the need for these different approaches to be put together in order to gain the best forms of meaning. Aim The aim of this research is to examine how these different elements and aspects of communication work together to attain good and proper results in communication. In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be reviewed: 1. A critical analysis of the different approaches to communication and how they work together; 2. An identification of circumstances where one might be used solely without the use of other forms of communication; 3. An evaluation of the options and processes that might come together to define good communication Hypotheses A hypothesis is a tentative statement that is made by a researcher at the beginning of the research and it is tested for its truthfulness and falsity throughout the research(Kothari, 2009). This research hypothesizes that the best means and the best form of communication occurs when you combine the three elements of communication: NVC, paralanguage and language. The alternative hypothesis is that each of the three elements of communication is best used alone in most circumstances. Methodology In the study, there is the need to examine and review the way people use the three components of communication: Non-verbal communication Paralanguage Language In order to do this study, a practical fieldwork is employed to analyze and review how people mix these three tools of communication in sharing ideas and information. First of all, there is the need to identify how these three elements of communication work in relation to: 1. Sharing Ideas 2. Expressing Joy/Happiness 3. Suggesting a better view In order to study this, a fieldwork is conducted and a collection of data, analysis of data and drawing conclusion is conducted. Data is collected through the conducting of a dialogue amongst ten pairs of people. In each of the situations, the participants are asked to present information under one of the three themes and from there the importance and significance of the three elements of communication are identified and discussed. Secondly, the dialogues are documented in the form of classification of the various headings and the various pointers in the NVC. The details of the documentation for the collection of information for this study are presented in Appendix 1 below. The findings are to be classified according to the number of times and the respondents chose an option. These options are summed up and they are analyzed and reviewed in order to lay the foundation for critical reviews and analysis. In the analysis the frequency of occurrence or choice of each option is discussed and this adds up in order to provide an overall view of whether a given element of communication is viewed as important or not. This is all critiqued and analyzed in order to draw conclusions on whether the hypothesis is valid or not. Results The field work was conducted over a three-day period. Twenty participants were involved in the process and they were asked to have a dialogue with each other in order to test the three approaches to communication and information sharing. Each of the respondents were monitored by the facilitator to pose as s/he was communicating with another person. And in the process, they went through all the three forms of communication and exchange of information. Afterwards they were asked to identify whether they considered each of the three approaches to communication as important, quite important or very important in each case. The findings were tallied and they were put together to justify and discuss each of the three approaches. This includes the compilation of each of the responses. They are presented in the treatment of results section below. The table below shows how the different respondents presented their views on how communication can be conducted with the different tools and the different elements of communication. This is graded and presented on the scale of very important (A), quite important (B) and not important (C). Treatment of Results The different elements and different aspects of communication are presented in this study and the way this information is presented by the various respondents in the research. These respondents indicated the relative strength and the relative importance of the different approaches to language sharing and information sharing and this shows some degree of variation from the various classifications and the different methods of sharing information and ideas. Sharing Ideas In sharing ideas, it is identified that most people saw non-verbal communication to be unimportant. This showed that over three quarters showed that you could share ideas without having to resort to non-verbal communication. The vast majority of respondents indicated that ideas could be shared without the use of paralanguage and the changing of tones amongst other things. However, it was decided unanimously that the use of language is vital and important in sharing ideas and there could practically be no sharing of ideas if language was absent. Expression of Joy or Happiness Although the vast majority of respondents indicated that sharing expressing joy can be done without the use of non-verbal communication, most of the respondents indicated that laughter is a universal sign of expressing joy and language and the way you speak in such a situation is one in which your happiness reflects in your actions and the tone used by speakers. Hence, although most participants in the experiment wrote that language is the most important tool for expressing joy, happiness and emotions, most respondents conceded that the three elements, non-verbal communication and paralanguage and language all work together to convey emotions and express joy and happiness because that is the natural component and the natural attitude that people express these feelings. However, in the collection of the data, the vast majority of respondents identified that communication in expressing emotions was almost done with language. This is apparent in the fact that about 65% of the respondents stated that non-verbal communication is not important in expressing joy and happiness and 55% of the respondents identified that paralanguage was not important. However, 70% stated that language is important in expressing happiness and joy and another 15% found it to be somewhat important (say 85% of the respondents at this point). This shows that language is still important and vital in helping respondents to express their joy and Suggesting a Better View This section was quite complicated. This is because the respondents were split in discussing whether non-verbal communication was important or not. They showed that almost 50% of the respondents said that non-verbal communication was not important. However, 35% said it is quite important and 20% said it was very important. Although over 50% state that paralanguage is not important in suggesting a better view, 70% stated that language is very important in suggesting a better or improved view. Discussions From the study, it is identified that the respondents showed that language is important and vital in almost all the scenarios and situations at hand. This is because language is the main measure or means through which communication and the exchange of information is done in most situations and contexts. In sharing ideas, it seems to be pervasive that the use of language is universal and pervasive. This is because language is vital and important in sharing such views and in getting people to understand a person’s thoughts and ideas. In this context, the use of non-verbal communication and paralanguage tools are not very important because the individual sharing the ideas is able to express everything in succinct terms and the listener can deduce the idea through language without much modification or additions. However, in expressing joy and happiness, most respondents indicated that language is vital. However, language is not the only means through which these emotions can be expressed. This is because expressing joy and happiness come with a high degree of emotions that can be expressed through bodily actions (non-verbal communication) and intonation (paralanguage) as a means of making the emotions and sentiments more felt by the listener. Hence, it is conclusive that non-verbal communication and paralanguage are important in expressing emotions and feelings in circumstances where a person needs to do so. Finally, suggesting a better view on a matter is a matter that is persuasive in nature. And it is identified that most respondents identify that language is important. However, they concede that some degree of non-verbal communication as well as paralanguage. This shows that in persuasive discussions, there is the need for some degree of communication tools to be employed other than the use of language. Conclusion The research indicates that communication involves a degree of utilization of different approaches and methods of sharing information. This means that in most forms of communication, language, non-verbal communication and paralanguage are used together in order to express views and ideas. The fieldwork does not justify the null hypothesis per se. This is because in some forms of communication, it is identified that language can be used without much reliance on non-verbal communication and paralanguage. This particularly happens in factual contexts where there is the need for people to communicate ideas. However, in other forms of communication like the expression of happiness and persuasion, the hypothesis is honored and justified because they all work well in order to provide a reasonable communication of the sentiments of the speaker to the listener. The alternative hypothesis states that each of the three elements of communication can best be utilized independently. This only stands in the case of factual communication or the sharing of ideas where language is an important and vital method of communication and can stand alone. However, the alternative hypothesis is refuted when it comes to persuasion and the expression fo joy and happiness. Bibliography Berry, D. (2010). Health Communication: Theory and Practice. London: McGrawHill. Kothari, C. R. (2009). Research Methodology. Delhi: New Age Publishing. Littlejohn, S. W., Foss, K. A. (2010). Theories of Human Communication . Mason, OH: Cengage. Perkins, P. S. (2010). The Art and Science of Communication. London: Wiley. Phifer, E. (2007). Boosting the Minds Eye: Visualizing for Social and Emotional Intelligence. New York: Universal Publishing. Poyatos, F. (2012). Textual Translation and Live Translation. New York: John Benjamins Publishing. Rimondini, M. (2012). Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. London: Springer. Wilson, E. O. (2011). Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Boston, MA: Yale University Press. Wood, J. (2009). Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters. Mason, OH: Cengage. Zimmerman, C., Uecke, R. A. (2012). Asserting Yourself At Work. New York: AMACOM. Appendix 1 Dear Respondent, As part of the study on the importance of non-verbal communication, paralanguage and language in communication, this research will seek to involve you in an experiment. In this experiment, you will need a communication partner and you will have to conduct a two-way dialogue. The first should be about sharing ideas, the second should be about expressing joy or happiness and the third will involve suggesting a better view in a debate. The findings must be classified under headings A, B or C and this must be mutually agreed. The end is to examine the importance o these three elements of communication in sharing information. A – Very Important B – Quite Important C – Not Important
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Digital Age Essays -- Essays Papers
Digital Age Looking back in the past several years, we can see that technology has contributed an important role in our society nowadays. It changes the way people work, the way people live, and also the way people treat each other. Knowing the important of the development of technology, scientists and engineers are constantly inventing and exploring the world of technology to build a better society for everybody. Can you imagine your life with technology in the next thirty years? Do you prefer to work at the office and chat with your co-worker face to face or just stay home, transfer files to your computers and chat with your co-worker through the web camera from home? Do you prefer to have a little chip implanted in your body, so your family will easily find you? Or do you prefer to have a private life, so nobody will know where you are or what you do? I can see clearly the heat of the discussion right now in every student in the CSC 4735 - Computers Societies and Ethics teach by instructor John Clark at University of Colorado - Denver lately. Some choose the new technology and some against it totally. It rises to the question that whether technology will improve the life of everybody or just makes it worst. A little chip implanted in your body will make you feel safer or make you feel less privacy? Participating in the discussion room in class, reading the article "Only disconnect, A taste of life in 2033" from the Economist print edition on January 23rd, 2003, and skipping through lots of frequently ask question about life with new technology, I myself believe that the exposed of digital technology in the near future will change the ethical, moral, and legal issues in every human being. ... ...iew. With the advantage of the digital world, women will have more opportunity in life and participate in her favorite clubs. If she have the chance to hang out with her husband and her kids in the real world, her relationship and the bond between her children and she will be better. Also, if Dick stop worrying about his privacy life, his life will be better since he did not do anything wrong. Anyway, what does your life look like in the next 30 years? WORKS CITED 1. "Only Disconnect, A Taste of Life in 2033" 2. "Now Digital, Spy Camera Technology Widens Gaze" - Laurie J. Flynn 3. "Technology to Meld Chips into Humans Draws Closer" - Paul Eng
Monday, November 11, 2019
Describe The Scope Of Business Ethics
The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. Ethics as normative science deals with moral ideal or the good in order to enquire the nature of our conduct. It enquires into the nature of the springs of actions, motives, intentions, voluntary actions and so on. It determines rightness or wrongness of human actions. It does not enquire into the origin and growth of human conduct. As a science of morality ethics discusses the contents of moral consciousness and the various problems of moral consciousness.Ethics is concerned with the highest good or absolute good. It investigates the nature of its fundamental notions i. e. right, duty and good. Moral judgments passed on our voluntary actions are also included within the scope of ethics. In discussing the moral judgment it has also to concern with the nature, object, faculty and standard of moral judgment. Moral sentiments and feelings are arising in our mind when we contemplate about the moral judgment and therefore, ethics has to di scuss the nature of moral sentiments to moral judgment.The scope of ethics includes whatever has reference to free human acts, whether as principle or cause of action (law, conscience, virtue), or as effect or circumstance of action (merit, punishment, etc. ) Ethics discusses the nature of human freedom. Ethics investigates what constitutes good or bad, just or unjust. It also inquires into-what is virtue, law, conscience and duty? What obligations are common to all? What is the good in all good acts? These questions lie within the scope of ethics. The sense of duty, oughtness or moral obligation and the responsibility for actions are also included within the range of ethics.The particular aspect under which ethics considers free acts is that of their moral goodness or the rectitude of order involved in them as human acts. A man may be a good artist or orator and at the same time a morally bad man, or, conversely, a morally good man may be a poor artist or technician. Ethics has mer ely to do with the order which relates to man as man and which makes of him a good man. Thus we find that although Ethics is not a guidebook of moral rules as a branch of philosophy Ethics seeks clarification of terms used in moral language.The ‘meta-ethical†problems fall within the scope of philosophical aspect of Ethics. There are other ‘meta ethical discussions related to the nature of moral judgments, the logical basis of ethical evaluation etc. The applied dimension of Ethics is known as â€Å"Applied Ethics’ that falls within the broad field of Ethics. These comprise the areas of situational Ethics while Meta Ethics deals with logical and semantic questions like ‘What do we mean by â€Å"freedom†and â€Å"determinism†etc.Ethics is essentially related to all other branches of knowledge like sociology, political science, jurisprudence, law and legal study, psychology, anthropology, culture study, ecology and environmental study, e conomics, religion, aesthetics and other similar areas. Ethics is concerned with political, sociological, cultural, psychical, economic, environmental, religious problems in pursuit of highest good. So these problems have an additional place in the scope of ethics. With the emergence of new technology there is scope for widening the scope of ethics to address new issues
Friday, November 8, 2019
English 101 Summer 2019 Syllabus Professor Ramos Blog
English 101 Summer 2019 Syllabus Unit 1 – Narrative
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Affrimative Action Essays
Affrimative Action Essays Affrimative Action Essay Affrimative Action Essay Affrimative Action Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a plan made to end discrimination by guaranteeing minorities will be hired. The United States uses this practice to hire, but the qualifications of such people are occasionally overlooked. Many people believe that affirmative action is a very effective plan. The other people who oppose such action include people of various minorities, as well as many others who have been wronged by the plan. We live in a small town where there are very few minorities but in the big cities, it?s a very big deal. In several cases, this plan causes minorities to be thought of as being under qualified when hired and it also causes a new minority, the white male. Our government needs to acknowledge the fact that affirmative action is not putting an end to discrimination. This plan has succeeded in creating new minorities and more reasons for discrimination. Affirmative action frequently causes qualified employees to be looked down upon because some believe them to be affirmative action hires. My boss at work is a woman and as a result I have encountered many discriminatory comments pertaining to her position. The first remark I usually receive suggestions that she was hired for her position affirmative, action, minorities, people, plan, hired, because, qualified, very, job, discrimination, certain, believe, woman, white, upon, states, position, minority, male, made, hiring, good, gender, causes, boss, being, been, whether, united, system, standards, should, remark, received
Monday, November 4, 2019
Postnatal Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Postnatal Depression - Essay Example Single parentism or inadequate social support increases the burden to be borne by mothers in terms of their own health as well as monetary risks. Such a condition automatically causes mothers to show lesser positive, sensitive and responsiveness towards their babies. They develop more negative emotions and in worst cases thoughts of harming the children also persist. To conclude mothers with financial problems and lack of social security show greater tendency to develop PPD indicating that PPD is not a mental illness. The maternal mood is assessed using Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)-- the higher scaling indicating PPD as maximum and less scaling indicating minimum range. Women with PPD exhibit inconsistent child caring attitudes resulting in poor coping strategies (Murray and Cooper 1997). PPD women less likely respond to the sickness or necessities of the infant, or persuade the child with eating habits, less interest in breast feeding/healthy feeding or sleeping habits of their infants. This care less attitude with less sensitive and less positive interactions act as potential impedance in building a strong mutual emotional bond between the parents and the infant coupled with poor infant health and slowed physical growth like low birth weight. According to Murray (1992) PPD itself influences all dimensions of the mother's life. It is known to affect mother's physical functioning, physical role, mental health, emotional role, social functioning, vitality, and also her general health. To conclude the PPD mothers are not fully equipped in providing justice to parenthood of a new born. Under such circumstances fathers have a vital role to play where h is presence probably buffering the situation tries to compensates the mother-infant relationship strained by PPD, establishing a joyful and affectionate bond with secured child-father attachment. However much studies and investigation in knowing about father-infant relationship is much under due. Effects of PPD on infants The intensity of PPD depends on its severity and duration. The recent psychiatric studies have revealed that young children are sensitive to their parent's affection and their parental attachment depends on their past intimacy. Hence apart from the genetics, personal interaction between the parent-child, play a major role in the psychological outcome of the child where infants at their young age adapt and respond well to their parents behaviors and interactions. Tests conducted have shown that boy babies are more sensitive to PPD impacts in comparison with girl babies and this vulnerability continues with time. According to Rutter (1989) the impact of PPD on infants could be i) It could shed direct deleterious effects on the child ii) indirect impact through interpersonal behavior in general and in parenting in particular iii) Through social adversity associated with psychiatric
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Condoleezza Rice - On Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Condoleezza Rice - On Leadership - Essay Example She was the first woman to occupy this key post of national security adviser. She is the most academic member of the Bush foreign affairs team and, because of her gender, background and youth, one of the most distinctive. The recent Forbes ranking of the world’s most powerful women, Rice still placed at the top despite the Bush administration’s supposed failed policies in Iraq. Richard Melanson (2005) in examining American foreign policy commented that Rice proved a relatively weak national security advisor because she generally deferred to the vice president and the secretary of state. (p. 322) Supposedly, this was unfortunate because the â€Å"group think†environment in which the basic assumptions about the world and America’s role in it went unchallenged within this inner circle of policymakers. But this is wrong. Melanson’s commentary in fact underscored a manifestation of Fiedler’s Contingency Model in Rice’s style during the mentioned circumstances. As the national security advisor, Rice was not expected to originate or debate ideas, and single out any particular view within the Bush administration. This finds credence in Simon Serfaty’s argument. To quote: Her primary responsibility was to absorb al of the ideas, all equally plausible and all convincing in different measure, before compressing them in ways that would enable the president, in words of one of her predecessors, â€Å"to perceive the essential among a mass of apparent facts†and â€Å"to impose some direction,†meaning make decisions which Rice would then coordinate and implement. (p. 86) In short, Rice played the part. She had displayed an impeccable ability to remain in the sidelines in serving a wider and greater objective. Her teamwork approach displayed a subtle self-confidence, sensitivity to others a degree of determination that supersede all else in order to achieve goals. One must remember that Rice had a direct access to
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